Homeschoolers are weird (yes, even famous homeschoolers).
You’ve probably heard it a million times (and maybe even that homeschoolers are annoying).
(Whether you agree or not, people say all kinds of things about homeschoolers and homeschooling.)
I happen to rock the homeschool “weirdness” stigma.
In fact, isn’t being “weird” just another word for being “different” when people can’t put us into a nice little box of definition?
If so, then I’m OK with my homeschooler being “weird.”
We actually embrace it (and kind of rock it, if I do say so myself).
Check out these famous homeschoolers who rocked their “weirdness.”
(Being weird didn’t seem to stop them, huh?)
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Famous Homeschool Weirdos
Famous Homeschoolers: Abraham Lincoln
Ask someone to name a famous homeschooler and they will almost always say Abraham Lincoln.
In fact, homeschooling wasn’t that unusual in Lincoln’s age.
However, did you know that Abraham Lincoln was a famous wrestler?
His height made him a target wherever he went, so he routinely wrestled other men on a bet.
He only lost one time out of 300 wrestling matches!
Abraham Lincoln was a well-known wrestler who is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame!
How’s that for a weird, famous homeschooler?
Famous Homeschoolers: Tim Tebow
Famous athlete and NFL quarterback Tim Tebow was the first homeschooler to win a Heisman Trophy.
Tebow was a homeschooler, but he played public school sports in his home state of Florida.
His case helped spark discussion in other states about whether homeschoolers should be allowed to participate in public school sports.
Much controversy has surrounded Tebow and his Christian beliefs that he is unafraid to represent publicly, even within his football career.
He even has a word named after him:
Tebowing, a word for kneeling on one knee in prayer, was named after Tim Tebow and is entered in the Global Language Monitor!
Famous Homeschoolers: Taylor Swift
Famous singer and entertainer Taylor Swift began homeschooling during high school after her entertainment career took off.
However, the beginning of Taylor’s musical career is somewhat weird.
She wrote her first song at age 12!
But, that’s not the most unusual part:
Homeschooler Taylor Swift learned to play guitar from a visiting computer repairman–who taught her just three chords!
Famous Homeschoolers: J. R. R. Tolkien
Famous writer J.R.R. Tolkien, whose real name is John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, was the author of Lord of the Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit.
He was homeschooled until his mother passed away when he was 12 years old.
Tolkien was a philologist (fi lol o jist) or someone who studies “literary texts and written records, the establishment of their authenticity and their original form, and the determination of their meaning.”
AND, he did that for FUN!
Homeschooler Tolkien liked to invent new languages, which he then used in his books!
Famous Homeschoolers: Emma Watson
Actress Emma Watson, best known for her role as Hermione in Harry Potter
, was homeschooled the entire time the movies were being filmed.
Also, Emma loves to document things happening in her life and writes in her journal nightly.
Famouse homeschooler (“Hermione”) Emma Watson has 30 journals (so far) full of what has happened in her life!
Famous Homeschoolers: Simone Biles
Olympic gold medal winner Simone Biles chose to homeschool starting at age 13 so that she could work school around a grueling athletic schedule.
She missed her friends at school, but said that homeschooling was necessary to work around her travel and training schedule.
Not only is Simone an amazing athlete, but she also has some interesting hobbies!
Homeschool gymnast Simone Biles loves fashion.
She also likes to fish and collect turtles.
(We’re not sure if the turtles are real or stuffed!)
Famous Homeschoolers: Laura Ingalls Wilder
Author Laura Ingalls Wilder, best known for her Little House on the Prairie
series, was homeschooled.
Laura’s family moved often.
Even when they were in one place, the one-roomed school houses were often far away or weather prevented her from attending.
Laura’s mother was adamant that her daughters receive a good education, so she often homeschooled them.
Homeschooler Laura Ingalls Wilder was 66 years old when she wrote the first book in the Little House series, Little House in the Big Woods!
by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson),photograph,2 June 1857
Famous Homeschoolers: Lewis Carroll
Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland
, was homeschooled until age 12.
He was the oldest of 11 children!
“Lewis Carroll” was actually his pen name for writing.
His real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.
Not only was he a great writer, but he also loved magic and often kept his siblings entertained by it.
Carroll was also a renowned mathematician.
(Super talented, right?)
Lewis Carroll had a stutter and he modeled the Dodo bird in Alice in Wonderland after himself.