I recently asked some homeschooling parents for their recommendations on best board games of all time and family card games and they came through in a big way!
I mean, HUGE.
These parents gave so many recommendations for best games for families to play together that we had to break the list into three parts just to get everything in!
SO . . .
If you haven’t read Part One of the best board games list, start here and then come back to this post!
NOW . . .
We’re going to continue our board game recommendations that are perfect for family game night, homeschool game schooling, or even parties and gatherings.
Get ready to add some new awesomeness to your game closet!
(The ages and players listed here are manufacturer recommendations, so use your own judgment.)
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Best Board Games List of All Time, Part 2
I have to admit, I had no idea what Wahoo
was. With some research, I learned that it is kind of like Aggravation
or Parcheesi.
“To play, move your marble players around the board according to the roll of your dice and try to position your marbles in the home positions before your opponents do.
You can send your opponent’s players back by landing on a location that they occupy, thus making them ‘aggravated.’”
Ages: 6 and up
Players: 2-4
is another classic family game, but it withstands the test of time, so no shock that our parents named it one of the best board games of all time!
You score points by rolling a set of dice and getting a series like three of a kind, four of a kind, or a full house.
Great practice for counting and numbers!
Ages: 8 and up
Players: 2 or more
Castle Panic
Castle Panic
, “players must work together to defend their castle, in the center of the board, from monsters that attack out of the forest, at the edges of the board.
Players trade cards, hit and slay monsters, and plan strategies together to keep their castle towers intact.
The players either win or lose together, but only the player with the most victory points is declared the Master Slayer.”
Ages: 10 and up
Players: 1-6 (can be played as a solitary game)
Flash Point
Flash Point
“is a fully cooperative game, everyone plays on the same firefighting team – win or lose together.
Every turn is filled with the tension of having to fight the fire back rescuing victims or investigating points of interest.
Players can ride the ambulance to safety or fire the engine’s deck gun in a desperate attempt to control the blaze.”
Ages: 10 and up
Players: 2-6
is another one of our all-time favorite party games.
There’s no skill except speed, but that alone leaves us all cackling every single time.
You roll the dice until you get all 10 of the same and then you yell “TENZI!” and you win!
I love this game because all ages can play and you can play with as many people as you have sets of dice.
(Buy two sets or extra dice, trust me on this.)
It’s also a great way for little ones to practice counting and numbers!
(The manufactured recommended age is 10 and up, but way younger ages can definitely play this game as long as they aren’t noise sensitive. It gets pretty loud!)
Ages: 10 and up
Players: Unlimited
is the sister of Tenzi, but you’re playing cards instead of dice.
In this version, you have to make matches as fast as you can instead of rolling dice.
“Develops dexterity, quick thinking, interaction.”
Ages: 3 and up
Players: 2 or more
This game was another one that appeared over and over on our best games of all times recommendations.
I used to LOVE Risk!
(Probably because I always kicked my brother’s booty! He may remember it differently. Whatever.)
I might have to add this back into our game arsenal and challenge my brother to a rematch.
Here’s the description:
“Take over the world in this exciting game of military strategy, now with a refreshed look that includes updated figures, compelling board art, and improved Mission cards.
In the Risk game players set out to conquer their enemies’ territories by building an army, moving in troops, and engaging in battle.”
Ages: 10 and up
Players: 2 or more
Confession: I don’t know how to play Dominoes
(Pause for reaction.)
I use them for awesome other things (you know, like lining up and knocking down), but I’ve never played them like a game.
Apparently, I’m in the minority because parents over and over suggest that this was one of the best “board” games.
There are apparently many different versions of dominoes that you can play (like the Mexican train dominoes shown here), but basically you match up the dots and score points.
In general, dominoes are great to use for math and learning, so we have a set (and you should, too!).
Ages: 8 and up
Players: 2 or more
is a dice game that is also similar to or sometimes called Zilch.
“Take a risk and keep rolling to build your score.
Or play it safe so you don’t lose your points in a Farkle.
It’s a fight to the finish in this fabulously fun game of strategy and luck.”
Ages: 8 and up
Players: 2 or more
is a strategy board game.
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
You’re not sure which, but at least you’ve narrowed it down.
You are rich with life experiences, but have had trouble trading them for goods and services.
It’s time to seek your fortune, or anyone’s really — whoever’s is closest.
To the west there’s a land of milk and honey, full of giant bees and monstrous cows; to the east, a land of eggs and licorice; to the north, treacherous swamps; to the south, loyal jungles.
But all of them have been thoroughly pillaged.”
There are many different versions, too.
Ages: 13 and up
Players: 2-6
King of Tokyo
King of Tokyo
“is a game for 2 to 6 players where you play as mutant monsters, rampaging robots, or even abominable aliens battling in a fun, chaotic atmosphere.
Roll the dice and choose your strategy:
Will you attack your enemies?
Heal your wounds?
Improve your Monster?
Stomp your path to victory!”
Ages: 10 and up
Players: 2-6
What Did I Step In? Game
I love when our best board games of all time include:
- Best card games, and
- Best games for the littles (because I think little ones get left out of gaming sometimes!)
Here’s one that meets both!
What Did I Step In? Game
“is a fun memory game for 2-4 players!
Each player receives 3 cards from a draw pile, then using a sneaker with a suction cup on the bottom, tries to find matches from the spread of mystery cards.
Just slam the shoe on a random card and look on the bottom to see what you stepped on.
If it’s a match, you score a point!
There are also lucky coins to add to your score, but watch out for the dog poop!
That’s like losing a turn. And stinky!
Whoever has the most points when all cards are paired, wins.”
Ages: 4 and up
Players: 2-4
Fluxx Card Game
Fluxx Card Game
is played by “drawing one card and playing one card – but New Rule cards quickly make things chaotic.
Even the object of the game will often change as you play, as players swap out one Goal card for another.
Can you achieve World Peace before someone changes the goal to Bread and Chocolate.”
There are also many other fun versions of this game (math, zombies, pirates, and more).
I have to admit, after MANY people put this on best board games of all times list (it’s a card game, but you get the point), we bought it.
However, we’ve tried to play it a couple of times and it seemed pretty confusing. (We like games that you can read a couple of lines of direction and just GO!)
It might just be us, but be aware that there seems to be a little learning curve.
Ages: 8 and up
Players: 2-6
was a past favorite of ours, too.
We actually made it even more fun and wrote “rules” on each block, something you have to perform when you pull the block out.
(We did this WAY, WAY before they came out with a version like that!)
In case you don’t know, Jenga is a block stacking game.
If you tip the tower when you’re pulling out a block (or placing it back), then you lose!
It’s really great for all ages!
Ages: 8 and up
Players: 2 or more
is a strategy game where you “stake your claim and protect your territory by fitting as many of your pieces on the board as possible while strategically blocking your opponents.
The game ends when no more pieces can be placed down, and the player with the lowest number remaining wins.”
“Blokus has even received a Mensa award for promoting healthy brain activity.”
Age: 7 and up
Players: 2 or more
That’s a lot, right?
Well, guess what?
There’s even more!