Need DIY snow globe ideas? How about creating your own snow globe with photo inside? This awesome photo snow globe is great Christmas Craft ideas for kids or holiday craft gift ideas for giving / getting personal photo gifts (or if you need homemade holiday gifts). Fun make and shake craft for kids!
You’ll not only love making these for DIY snow globe craft ideas, but everyone will love getting them as homemade Christmas gifts, too!
Can you make a snow globe at home?
How To Make A DIY Snow Globe
- Use a sturdy glass jar with a lid that fits tightly.
- Choose and waterproof your pictures. (Learn how to waterproof your pictures in the full craft directions below.)
- Select a variety of small seasonal items to include in the snowglobe.
- Attach the items to the inside of the lid. (See important tip in directions.) All items to dry completely.
- Add liquid to the snow globe jar and add glitter (optional).
- Test and reseal as needed.
Get the full snowglobe with picture directions and tips and homemade snow globe ideas below! Fun winter crafts for kids or group snow globe activity! KEEP SCROLLING for picture snow globes printable directions!
What do you fill a snow globe with?
To make your own snow globe, you’ll need:
- Filtered water
- Glycerin (or glycerin substitute)
- Foil glitter
- Laminated pictures
- DIY snow globe figurines or snow globe fillers for the globe lid
*See full list of how to make Christmas snow globe directions and more tips for photo snow globes below.
Can you make a snowglobe with tap water?
It’s best to use distilled water and not tap water in your homemade snow globe project. The iron in tap water can sometimes make the water turn a yellow or dirty tinged color over time.
How do you put pictures in a snow globe?
To make a DIY photo snow globe, cut out the pictures that you want to use. Then use laminating sheets to make the pictures waterproof for your photo snowglobes.
How To Waterproof A Picture For A Snow Globe
To waterproof a picture in a snow globe, you need to protect the photograph. The best way to do this is to use self-laminating sheets or a laminator to cover your photographs. If you don’t laminate photographs, they will disintegrate in the water.
*SECRET snowglobe photos tip: Do not cut your laminated pictures right on the edge of the picture for your snowglobe picture. Leave a bit of laminating sheet border around your snowglobe photo to give it a waterproof seal before glueing the picture on the lid.
You can get self-laminating sheets like these for your homemade snow globe with picture project.
How long do water globes last?
Your water snow globe can last up to 2 years or more. How long a DIY Christmas snowglobe with water lasts will depend on several things: how tight your jar lid is attached / how you sealed the globe lid, how you waterproofed the images (snow globe photos), what kind of fake snow for snow globes used, and if you used snow globe decorations with paint (as the paint wears off fairly quickly).
Homemade Christmas Crafts: Make Your Own DIY Snow Globe
Looking for photo gifts? How about this how to DIY snow globe mason jar / craft jar because…
Is there anything better than the innocence of a child at Christmas time?
How about capturing that moment by learning how to make a snow globe with picture inside (also called snow globe mason jars)?
But, how do you make a DIY snow globe with picture laminated inside (also called the baby oil and water snow globe)?
Here’s how the DIY Christmas snow globe started…
I have always loved the holidays.
Even before I had children, I would adorn any apartment I ever lived in with seasonal decorations, DIY Christmas wreath and decor.
Much to the confusion of my then-boyfriend (now husband), he would cock his head to the side and ask, “Why do you go all out with all these Christmas decorating ideas and themes?”
My answer was always the same:
“One day, I will have children and I will do the same Christmas holiday fun with them from awesome Christmas tree decorating ideas to Christmas cookie decorating and kids Christmas craft ideas. I love the holidays and I want anyone who passes by my window to know that, too.”
Then I had my own children and my love for the holidays kicked into overdrive!
It was like a second chance to experience the magic of the season all over again in a new way.
I get to experience the holidays through their eyes.
But, life is funny. Time passes. We get older.
Unfortunately, as adults, the holidays can transform into something else entirely.
For one reason or another, we begin to focus more on the stress, the gifts, and the financial burden that the holidays can bring.
We lose our sense of wonder.
Enter our children.
Recently, while navigating a department store, searching for Christmas ornaments, my 4-year-old son stared in amazement at the glass snow globes on the shelf.
Gently turning over the globe to allow the shimmery snow to delicately fall to the bottom, his blue eyes remained transfixed on the magical scene in front of him.
“Mom, I wonder what it’s like to live inside a snow globe,” he pondered, awestruck.
To him, everything in that moment stood still.
He was truly at peace.
Observing his wonder, I suddenly found myself reverent.
It was humbling.
For a few moments, my little one gently reminded me of the depth and wonderment of the season.
You can also buy snow globe with picture insert –or DIY snow globe kit– if you want to get it that way. Also, if you’re short on time, I love this glitter snow globe picture frame. A DIY picture frame snow globe is great as a fun gift, too.
One of the best things about this DIY snow globe is that you can make a unique snow globe for each kid or even customize them as gifts.
31 Snow Day Activities for Kids
How to Make Your Own Snow Globe With Photo
Christmas is a time to slow down and reflect on our faith and our family, rather than misplaced importance where it needn’t be.
I thought a lot about his reaction to those Christmas snow globes that evening after my son fell asleep.
At first, I thought maybe I would purchase him a little snow globe that I had seen at the store earlier.
Then, I realized what better way to help him feel what’s it like to be inside a snow globe then to have him put himself in DIY snow globe jars (metaphorically, of course)!
(And, it seemed like one of those easy Christmas craft ideas to make snow globes with pictures inside!)
The next morning, off to the craft store we flew like a flash to get the stuff to make a snow globe with a picture inside (and learn how to make a snow globe DIY craft! Plus, I thought it would be fun for the kids to learn what’s inside snow globes).
You could also easily turn this into a DIY picture snow globe ornament, too, if you can find the DIY snow globe ornament with water like these for making snow globe ornaments. (I think we’ll do the DIY snow globe picture frame craft next year.)
Our snow globe craft would be great made into Christmas ornaments if you’re looking for cute DIY snow globe ideas as gifts or want to make a DIY mason jar snow globe with canning jars you already have at home!
(I mean, you could buy a Hobby Lobby snow globe, but what holiday fun would that be?)
Before we get to the homemade snow globe craft directions, I want to cover common questions for this DIY snow globe kid craft:
What liquid do you use to make a snow globe?
The liquid used to make a snow globe is distilled water, but the secret to making the snow suspend in the liquid is glycerin, which is made from vegetable oils. To get that slow, snow falling effect when you shake the snow globe, you can add different things to the DIY snow globe liquid like liquid glycerin, mineral oil, olive oil or more to create this holiday craft. That’s what makes the snow “swirl” in the snowglobe.
How do you make a snow globe without glycerin?
Can you make a snow globe without glycerin?
If you don’t have glycerin, you can also make your snow globe without it using any of the following:
- Olive oil
- Light corn syrup
- Mineral oil
- Baby oil
- Clear cooking oil
Just understand that none of these work as well as glycerin and each will give a little different effect and may not work with your glitter snow.
How to make a snow globe with olive oil?
You can make a snow globe with olive oil or vegetable oil (substituting it for glycerin). But, it will make your water heavier and doesn’t mix as well as glycerin, so it won’t have the same effect as a glycerin snowglobe. Test out olive oil and water first before making the craft. (Remember, oil and water don’t mix very well!)
But what about how to make a snow globe with baby oil?
Can you use baby oil (or mineral oil) instead of glycerin for snow globes?
You can make a DIY snow globe with baby oil instead of drops of glycerin. Some people have reported using baby oil instead of glycerin for snow globes with successful results. You can try this if you want to make a DIY snow globe without glycerin, but baby oil or mineral oil doesn’t mix well or dissolve in the water. Use sparingly and test it out first by adding it to a jar with some of your glitter and shaking well to see if you get the snow effect you want.
What kind of glitter is used in snow globes?
Stick with a higher quality glitter (like chunky iridescent glitter), as it tends to float more (and clump less). Do not use craft “snow” or any paper-based product as snow for snow globe. The trick is to use only a little glitter and to also use glycerin to help the glitter float and give that swirl effect of snow in the globe.
What can you use instead of glitter in a snow globe?
Any waterproof, foil confetti or glitter of different colors can be used in a DIY snow globe. White glitter will give you the best snow effect and snow swirl ing for your DIY snowman globe.
Now let’s get to how do you make a homemade snow globe (aka: glitter globe DIY) — such an easy craft for Christmas or homemade holiday gifts for the holiday season! It’s a fun way to give pictures of your kids to friends and family! (Some people make baby food jar snow globes and just put faces in them!)
How To Make DIY Snow Globe (Snowglobe Craft)
Making your own snow globes or picture globes is easier than you think!
What materials do you need to make a snow globe?
For your craft snowglobe, you can use any glass jar with a tight fitting lid or even make these a DIY snow globe in mason jar with a lid (or baby food jars). Test your mason jar lid with a little water before starting the craft!
You can make it a plastic snow globe DIY, but just test out the plastic container for any leaks!
You will glue the laminated pictures and decorations on the inside of the jar lid and become bottom of the jar when finished.
So be sure it fits tight enough so no water spills out for the best result.
To make your snow globe craft with picture laminated, use these easy, self-seal laminating pouches. (If you don’t want to use pictures, you can make it a snowman globe DIY!)
Also, we’ve never tried this with hot glue. We always use a waterproof glue / waterproof adhesive.
HOW TO MAKE A PHOTO SNOW GLOBE CRAFT PROJECT TIPS: When choosing DIY snow globe figurines or bottle brush trees / little trees, remember that those with a lot of paint or bright colors may erode or fade over time. Same goes for paint or spray paint.
Also, keep an eye on the clearance aisles at stores like the Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby, Michaels, or your local craft store for cheap figurines and holiday decorations for your snow globe craft or DIY picture snow globe mason jar.
You really don’t need much glitter. Keep that in mind! The amount of glitter will depend on the size of your jar. You need just enough for this DIY project so that the end result makes a swirl of snow fall over your winter wonderland snowy scene.
Your snow globe picture craft might get a little messy, so be sure to cover your table and floors.
Here’s how to make snow globes at home and how to put a picture in a snow globe. (I really love these as homemade Christmas gift ideas!)
How to Make a Snow Globe with Picture Inside

This easy and fun photo snow globe makes a perfect DIY Christmas craft or some personal photo gifts.
Your kids will have so much fun learning how to make snow globe with pictures and even giving a photo snowglobe craft as a gift!
- Clean, glass jar with tight, screw-on lid
- Laminated photo (self-laminating sheets work well)
- Mini Seasonal décor items (plastic works best so they don't rot in the water eventually and the colors don't bleed)
- Glitter
- Glycerin or baby oil
- Glue (like white drying, waterproof Gorilla Glue)
- Distilled Water
- Plastic tablecloth to protect the table (optional)
- 1Use a sturdy glass jar with a screw-on lid. Use an empty glass jar you find around the house like salsa, spaghetti sauce and baby food jars. (They can be all different sizes if you're making multiple globes. Just adjust your photo size to fit into the jars.) After peeling off any labels, give the jar a nice thorough washing and make sure it seals tightly.
- Waterproof your pictures. Cut out the outline of the photo and run it through a laminator or use the self-laminating sheets.
- Select a variety of small seasonal décor. We stopped by a local craft store because they were having a CRAZY great sale in their floral department. But, a trip to the dollar store would suffice as well. Just be sure that you select items that will withstand water! If possible, test them for a day in water and see if they flake or break apart. *Important tip: don’t go overboard when creating your scene. Space is limited. Less is more in this case.
- Create your magical winter wonderland by gluing the items to the inside of the lid. To begin, remember that you will be gluing your items on the inside of the lid of your jar. Make sure to work in the middle, keeping space along the edges to allow the jar to screw shut. We started by putting a big pile of gooey glue in the middle of the lid and mounting our decorations to the inside of the jar lid. We added small glass beads (red and green, of course!) to the top of the pile to hide any unsightly glue and hold our other decorations in place. Allow time for the glue to dry and test the sturdiness of your creation. Turn the lid upside and give it a couple good shakes to see if anything comes loose.
- Add distilled water to your jar and sprinkle in the glitter. A good ratio is: 1 cup of water, 3 teaspoons glycerin, 3 teaspoons glitter. You may need to adjust the ratio based on the size of your jar and the kind of glitter you use. IMPORTANT: DO NOT fill the water all the way to the top! Remember, you are adding items to the water and it will increase the water line. Some people choose to add glycerin (found in baking aisles in the craft store) to the water to make the snow fall more slowly. We did not, and the kids still loved the snowy effect. But, it might help preserve the glitter a bit longer by using the glycerin. IMPORTANT TIP: To prevent snow globe glitter clumping, do not use paper glitter/confetti or that fake snow in bags. You should be able to use the any of the regular type of glitter.
- Attach the lid. It’s time to attach the lid of the jar with all your decorations. You may need to squish some of your holiday foliage to get it to fit, but once everything is completely in, tighten the lid firmly.
- Reseal, if needed. After checking the final placement of all your items, you can add some glue to the inside lip of the jar and reseal to prevent curious little ones from giving themselves a glitter bath.
- SHAKE AND ENJOY! Enjoying your own winter wonderland is the best part of this kids activity for Christmas!
Some people make a DIY snow globe with baby oil, but the glycerin for snow globes seems to work better. Just use a little bit - just a few drops of glycerin. You don't need a lot!
Picture Snow Globe Ornament DIY Part 2: How To Make Snowglobes Without Water
If you want to do a quick and easy snow globe ornament without water (or liquid – aka: waterless snow globes or a how to make a picture snow globe without liquid), simple snow globes crafts for kids, or a great project for homeschool co-op, scouts, or group crafts, try these photo ornaments and just add the artificial snow as your next step instead of water and glitter.
(These are snow globe with photo insert that you can buy.)
You can still make these homemade snow globes with pictures. Just place your photo in with the artificial snow. Get creative with your snow globe with picture DIY project!
Light bulb ornament also work well for snow globe crafts with no water. You can still make winter scenes with falling snow and after a good shake and still get a snowy effect!
(Great for winter sensory bottles, too!)
Just follow the same simple tutorials from above (in the globe ornament instructions) and leave out the water for easy DIY snow globes that you can also hang on the tree. These are a great alternative to snow globes with photos in water because you still get the most important part — the photo in snow globe!
Kids of all ages (even adults) always love this holiday craft (especially for personalized photo globes).
You may even find that making snow globes becomes one of your holiday traditions!
Contributor Samantha Lee is a homeschooling mom and blogger in the Pittsburgh area.
Get into the holiday spirit, put on some festive Christmas music and have a great time with this fun craft for holidays! Have fun with your snowglobe with picture in it!
Love the idea. I have an adorable four year old great grandson.
Would love to make these for his parents, other grandparents and
great grandparents for Christmas. Keepsake memory.
Can the pouches be cut to size without ruining them for instance if child is sitting instead of standing?
Hey Nancy,
Are you talking about the laminate pouches? Just be careful not to cut them too close to the picture. You need to leave a laminate “edge” around the picture so that it sticks together and stays closed.
How do you get the picture to stand?
Hi Andrea,
It was glued to the lid (along with the decorations).
Do the sealed pictures last very long or is this kind of a one season and done decoration?
It depends on how well you seal the photos (if you have a laminator, you can even run them through that before), but they will last!
Yay! We loved doing this so much! We just pulled them out to refill with water yesterday. We love decorating with them year to year! ❄️
It’s truly one of my favorite activities on this site. It was SO MUCH FUN to make! Thank you!
we just made this and are having trouble with the glitter sticking to the photo . have you encountered this before? not sure if we did something wrong
Hey Cassie,
Did you use glycerin or just water? Also, we found different kinds of glitter reacts differently. I haven’t been able to pinpoint what it is about the different glitter the couple of times we’ve made them.
What is your recommendation on doing the dryed globes with the fake snowflakes??; would it be the same process?
I think so! Just leave out the water and glycerin. You can also be more creative with snowflake confetti and fake snow!
How do you make the pictures stand up and how do you glue it to the top? I mean, did you glue a popsicle stick or something to the picture? Or maybe you just created a bend at the bottom of the picture and then glued it?
Thanks – I am going to try to make this for family.
we just made a little bend at the bottom. In one, we glued ours by a tree. Have fun!
I made a snowglobe with a laminated picture. The next day I noticed, little water bubbles attached to the picture. I shook the globe to see if they would remove, but they didn’t. How do you prevent this from happening?