Free printable pumpkin life cycle worksheet pack and learning about how a pumpkin grows, pumpkins for kids lesson plans, and ideas for pumpkin activity for preschool, kindergarten and up! All about pumpkins for kids and fun pumpkin printable activities! Add these pumpkin life cycle facts to your fall lessons, October activity calendar, or November kids activities.
Free Printable Pumpkin Life Cycle Worksheet and Learning All About Pumpkins Lesson Plans
A fun life cycle of a pumpkin printable activity and more pumpkin activity ideas for kids to go along with the life cycle of a pumpkin facts! (Free pumpkin life cycle worksheets at end of the post.)
Let’s start with what are the life cycles of a pumpkin?
What is the pumpkin life cycle?
Here are the stages of a pumpkin life cycle…
Cycle Pumpkin Growing Stages:
- Plant pumpkin seeds into the ground.
- Seed germination takes place.
- Pumpkin seeds sprout.
- Sprouts become seedlings.
- Pumpkin seedlings sprout blossoms, which are pollinated by bees and insects.
- Pumpkin fruits grow.
- You get pumpkins with seeds!
- Continue the lifecycle by using those pumpkin seeds to grow more pumpkins.
To go along with what is the growth cycle of a pumpkin: Keep scrolling for more what are the life cycles of a pumpkin worksheets / pumpkin life cycle printables / pumpkin science worksheet and activities and lessons about pumpkins ideas! Makes for a great learning pumpkin craftivity for fall!
How many stages are in the pumpkin life cycle?
There are six total stages in the life cycle of pumpkins. The growth cycle starts with seeds and progresses through the plant life cycle until the pumpkin grows into a fruit.
Pumpkin Activities for Children To Go With Pumpkin Plant Life Cycle Lessons
If you need a fun theme lesson, add studying the life cycle of a pumpkin to your list! (Life cycle of a pumpkin free printable and more pumpkin ideas below.)
Pumpkin Lessons, Crafts, and Ideas for Kids
- Grown your own pumpkin while learning the lifecycle of pumpkins (and observing the growth cycle of a pumpkin starting from pumpkin seed life cycle!)
- Create pumpkin craft Minecraft
- Make a paper jack-o-lantern craft favor
- Do pumpkin STEM lessons
- Label a parts of a pumpkin worksheet
- Do printable pumpkin activities cut and paste (part of the pumpkin free printables)
- Create origami art pumpkins
- Make DIY pumpkin bowling (with mini pumpkins)
- Read pumpkin books
- Do felt pumpkin play (great for toddler pumpkin activities!)
(See the full list of pumpkin lessons for preschool and up below, including the free life cycle of a pumpkin worksheet activity pack with life cycle of a pumpkin coloring page!)
What can you teach kids about pumpkins?
- Lifecycle of pumpkins with the free pumpkin cycle worksheet (including life cycle of pumpkin seed)
- Is Pumpkin A Fruit or Vegetable?
- How pumpkins grow
- Compare and contrast different pumpkins, colors, and sizes
- Pumpkin sensory activity: Use your senses to describe pumpkins (what does a pumpkin feel like–inside and out, what does pumpkin taste like, etc.)
- How to carve pumpkins
- How to paint pumpkins
(Pumpkin life cycle worksheet free below!)
It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown Lesson Plans and Activities
Fall Fun Activities For Kids Outdoors and Inside
Thanksgiving Fun for Kids Ideas
First Thanksgiving Activity Ideas and Lessons
Native American Heritage Month Lessons
Make Mini Tissue Paper Pumpkins
Fall, especially around Halloween and Thanksgiving, is a great time to study pumpkins because you can do so many hands on activities to go with it to keep little hands busy — head out to the pumpkin patch, roast pumpkin seeds, make fall sensory little bins, make pumpkins cookies or pumpkin cake pops, and so much more!
Don’t miss our free life cycle of pumpkin printable at the bottom of the post (including pictures of pumpkin life cycle / pumpkins drawings)! Great for pumpkin worksheet preschool and up!
Pumpkin plan summary:
How long does it take for a pumpkin to grow?
The complete pumpkin life cycle timeline is up to 100 days for a pumpkin to grow from seed to until the fruit is ripe! If you want to get a head-start on your pumpkin growing, start your seeds indoors in small containers placed in a warm area. Then, you have pumpkin seedlings to plant when the weather is ready to transplant outdoors.
Create your own pumpkin life cycle activities and start growing pumpkins TODAY. CLICK HERE!
Don’t be afraid to carry this study unit from October activities for kids into November and learning about the First Thanksgiving so that you can take advantage of all the pumpkin-filled goodness for that fun holiday, too! Great for entire autumn activities calendar months!
ALSO CHECK OUT FROM OUR SISTER SITE: Pumpkins Fruit or Vegetable?
Is Pumpkin A Fruit? Learning About Pumpkins and Pumpkins Recipes
Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Plant Books for Kids
There are so many fantastic pumpkin life cycle book options out there about pumpkins and the life cycle of a pumpkin! These are great fall children’s books for life cycle of a pumpkin preschool and up!
- From Seed To Pumpkin: A Fall Book For Kids
- Seed, Sprout, Pumpkin, Pie
- Pumpkin Life Cycles
- It’s a Fruit, It’s a Vegetable, It’s a Pumpkin
20+ Pumpkin Lesson Plans and Activities to Go With Pumpkin Life Cycle Learning
Here are some pumpkin resources that will allow you to create your own pumpkin unit study for homeschool, plus some other pumpkin-related activities and ideas for fall activities for kids.
Great for social studies pumpkin lessons, STEM life cycle of pumpkin plant, pumpkin art, and more!
(Don’t forget about the free life cycle of a pumpkin worksheets below!)
- Grab a free printable life cycle of a pumpkin (pumpkin lesson plans for preschool and up) and then sequence the pumpkin life cycle
- Do pumpkin science lesson plans
- Make pumpkin bird feeders
- Get a pumpkin life cycle lesson plan for STEM pumpkin activities ideas
- Read Spookley and do Spookley the Square Pumpkin lesson plans
- Do a pumpkin life cycle craft / pumpkin life cycle activity / life cycle of a pumpkin craft
- Make easy (and super yummy!) pumpkin cookies
- Take a field trip to the local pumpkin patch/farm and then do some pumpkin patch lesson plans
- Roast pumpkin seeds (fun for how many seeds in a pumpkin lesson plans)
- Complete a pumpkin mini unit
- After you carve a real pumpkin, carve a pumpkin online (after ads) for your pumpkin carving lesson plans
- Sing a pumpkin life cycle song
- Make an erupting pumpkin science experiment
- Play glow-in-the-dark pumpkin ring toss (big pumpkin with a stem to toss the rings onto and glow in the dark necklaces
as the rings)
- Make tissue paper pumpkin favors for your friends
- Create pumpkin cats (no carve pumpkins)
- Do other things besides carving your pumpkins (like painted pumpkins for kids)
- Investigate a pumpkin
- Play Roll a Pumpkin
- Work on pumpkin fractions
- Play some pumpkin games
FREE Life Cycle Of Pumpkin Worksheet Printable and Free Pumpkin Worksheets
Grab our free lifecycle of a pumpkin printable pack, complete with pumpkin life cycle pictures (pumpkin lifes) / pumpkin plant cycle, life cycle of a pumpkin cut and paste, label parts of a pumpkin, pumpkin sequence (use them for printable pumpkin life cycle sequencing cards), and pumpkin life cycle coloring page! It’s a good growing pumpkins diagram pack / pumpkin parts free printable to study life cycle of pumpkin for preschool and up!
The free printable parts of a pumpkin worksheet packet is great for your life cycle of a pumpkin lesson plan!
CLICK HERE To Get Your Free Pumpkin Life Cycle Printable (immediate download pumpkin life cycle worksheet pdf). Full pumpkins worksheet activity pack / pumpkin life cycle booklet!
Let us know what you think about the printable plant life cycle worksheet pdf!